The Dragon
The first modern-day Chinese New Year parade in Butte was in 1993. The dragon, donated by the people of Taiwan, came to Montana in 1998 and joined the parade beginning in 1999. Starting in 2010, the dragon began to perform the special dragon dance intended to bless businesses for the coming year by driving evil spirits out of their buildings. The Mai Wah deeply appreciates the donations by these businesses!
Dragon Rental
The Mai Wah’s Dragon Rental policy is as follows. Rates are subject to change without notice. These rates are for use of the dragon in circumstances where Mai Wah personnel are not transporting and handling the dragon.
- Non-profit rental fee: $100
- For-profit rental fee: $150
- Refundable damage deposit: $200
- Transportation fee outside Butte: $0.50 per mile if we transport; no charge if you transport (see guidelines for handling; requires a closed vehicle)
- Insurance rider naming the Mai Wah an additional insured specifically for the Dragon, valued at $3000The Mai Wah Society may adjust or waive these fees under certain circumstances, at its discretion. The dragon is not available at all times; scheduling pick-up and drop-off times well in advance is imperative. Payment is due in advance